I have the most beautiful little kitty cat in the world. He's not like a breed or anything like that but he's gray and white in some lights he looks a little lavender. His name is Jimmy. I have had him since he was a baby. I love him to pieces but there is a dark side he dislikes my daughter and I got him for her.
This morning he attacked her because I wouldn't let him stay in her room. So as soon as he saw her walking by he jumped her leg. Which pissed me off and he knew it and then took off running so that I couldn't catch. Now she angry at him and wants me to get rid of him.
Now there is no man in this world that I would ever choose over my daughter but for the life of me I can't get rid of him. I spent money on him and I really do love him. What am suppose to do?
I love when I am home alone like when my daughter goes to her father's or my grandmother's he sleeps with me and loves ours time home alone. I believe that his problem with my daughter is that he's jealous of her. I've tried to get them to get close but ever since the first time he started attacking her she won't go near him.
I need like a cat whisperer or something!!!!!
1 comment:
Cats usually do that when they are kittens. They are attracted to the motion and just want to play. He doesnt hate her he's just trying to play with her. Don't worry he's going to out grow soon. In the meantime make sure she wears long pj's or something.
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