Friday, September 22, 2006

Day 2

It has been 2 days since I started working from home and I have to admit I really like it. Now I don’t think my landlord is going to like it because now I don’t get paid like I use too. I use to get paid so that I could pay my rent at least by the 10th now it’s going to take at least to the end of month. But I know that I really get this to work for me.

I am like my own boss…I don’t have to answer to almost anyone. I have to master both this wine tasting thing and the diva school thing (My jobs) and then I can work on making MORE money with the both of them.

But I must say I really like this. Yesterday I was able to work booking some parties, washed 3 loads of laundry and went to my wine tasting.

It was great!


Zetirix said...

Wow, good job!

Sorry I haven't been keeping up, but at least you're getting your life in order. It's to see.

- Z

Mica said...

OMG how have things been!! I am sooooo happy to see you on. Thank you : )

Zetirix said...

I'm alright, I've been in training for months and I'm almost done!

I get to finally go home next week. Then I'm moving on to Montana for who knows how long. I'm try to play catch up :)

Mia said...

Girl I am glad to see that things are working out for you. You just gotta do a post on what your jobs are about.

Mica said...

I will I haben't had a chance to sit down and explain but tomorrow on my way to LI cause I'm still helping my boss alittle I will update my blog. : )