It’s 5am and I am awake…but it’s no big surprise to me not after the day I have had.
Life has been great for me thus far…I have been planning for the wine tasting putting a few things second like the planning of My Business, my novel and well I guess I can be a little bit more aggressive with the Diva School. So now that I am typing this I guess it is good that it happened. I just don’t like the way it happened.
Sorry my mind wondered off a minute thinking about the day.
Allow me to start off by saying that the man who pays my salary is very good man with a great heart. Some times his business sense I have to question. But there is this guy I have to work with I will call him a FAT COCK-BLOCKER; who yes has been in the business a little longer then me but it’s still sales and I’ve been doing it my whole life. SELLING IS MY SHIT!!!!!
So I have been booking the appointments for my wine tastings and things have been fine. This is until today. For the past few days FAT COCK-BLOCKER has been bitching about the fact that he wants more tastings done. So I hired my friend to help me this way I can still get money if I am paying her rather some girl coming in and me losing money and possible my job.
Which bothered FAT-COCK BLOCKER cause I think her promised some girl he would get the job that I have on the weekends. So now he went to my boss and convinced him that he should be the ones booking the appointments.
He even tried to make it seem like maybe I wasn’t really out there. Isn’t that fucked up?
And then today on the phone him and I got into an argument about the appointments he started yelling at me on the phone like if I was his child or he was my boss. And know one yells at me.
Now I have sat in my house all day waiting for him to bring me my samples so that I do my tastings this weekend and he choice to call me at 10pm to say that he would be here in like 20 minutes. So I told him no it was too late not after he had me waiting all day, yelled at me on the phone and the put some crazy shit into my boss’ head.
I know what he is up too; I’ve been through it a million times before he’s going to try and me miserable so that I give up quit and then he can bring in his girl.
Well FUCK THAT AND FUCK HIM!!!! And just despite him I am not going to give up (also cause I’m a quitter) but I’ll show him and GOD help him if down the road I my permit to sell wine I will run his ass out the Bronx.
But first things first. I have to make my number go through the roof (promotion wise).
I just have to make sure that no other girls get hired if there not through me. CAUSE FUCK HIM I’M NOT LET HIM GET THAT!!!!
But I can’t help but wonder if part of this is my fault cause I have been talking about my plans now that I was feeling comfortable. And it blown up and that always happen when I tell too many people of my plans.