I would have to say that after this weekend I have no idea who my sisters are or what goes through there heads. The emails from my younger sister on my myspace page didn’t stop as a matter of fact I still have to reply to her last email. Which she basically said she had no secrets and that the reason she hasn’t called me was because she knew I was upset about her getting married.
Now that is how small minded my sister is she thinks that is reason why I am upset with her. She not even thinking about how she kept it from me and told my older sister, and her ex and friends of hers before she told me.
She also had the nerve to tell me that she hasn’t call me because she knew I was upset with her eloping and she was waiting for me to get over it. The girl pisses me off.
I mean really did she expect me to call her a few days after her announcement and bitch…NO I wasn’t doing that for what? So she can go back to everyone in the family and all her friends and say “You see my sister can’t even be happy for me!”
Mind you I would be happy for her if she did it for all the right reasons. Instead of getting married for whatever reason she did it for; to then cheat on him. It makes no sense to me.
And I know she looking for me to get upset and loss my temper but I refuse to do that and give her that satisfaction.
Now all I have to do is get her to stop trying to tell me how to run my life because honestly I don’t see her doing such a good job with hers.