This past Sunday I decided to have a very small get together for Memorial Day. So I invited Mr. NEW & IMPROVED sister, her husband, my grandmother and aunt…not to mention Mr. NEW & IMPROVED my daughter and myself. I didn’t feel like inviting people over that were going to make me feel like I was walking on egg shells. So I do not even think of inviting my other grandmother…she is one of those people that comes to your house and smiles in your face and then the next day tells everyone how crappy your stuff is. Not to mention she loves to smile in Mr. NEW & IMPROVED but then the next day she’ll call my whole family and say, “Why does she let him be around her and the baby?” You know what the hell do I need that for. I just wanted a nice laid back Sunday.
Instead I was awoken at 10:30am by a phone call by my grandmother (the one I invited). My father called my grandmother to see what she was going to that day and she told him going to my house so I mother got on the phone asking if I invite my other one. (so here is how the conversation went)
My mother: “Did Mica invite my mother?”
Grandma: “I don’t think so”
Mother: “Well you should call her and invite her”
Grandma: “Well I’ll call Mica and ask her it’s not my place to just invite someone”
Mother: “Well I’m sure she invited you because she loves you more then my mother”
So filled with guilt my grandmother calls me and told what my mother said. So I call my mother because honestly what right does my mother have to say “Invite this one and that one?” So our conversation went like this:
Me: “Mom why did you call grandma making her feel guilty and why are you inviting people over to MY house without speaking to me first?”
Mother: “Well I was only say the truth”
Me: “No you weren’t you know I love them same but your mother loves to talk crap and I don’t have the house ready yet…ie: no patio furniture, no real grill (I picked a cheap $12 one) and Mr. NEW & IMPROVED and his sister will be there and I don’t wan to hear crap.
Mother: “You are so selfish and fucked up!”
So from fucked up and selfish her and I just started yelling at each other and the conversation end with us hanging up on each other.
My grandmother is the way she is because of my mother and here is why my mother is a very nosy woman she loves to send people over to my house to see if they see anything that they can report back to her with.
Now what really pisses me off is that my mother wouldn’t pull this shit on my other sisters because my sisters will tell her were to go and draw her picture and never feel bad.
Nope not me I always end up feeling sorry so of course the end result was I invited my other grandmother…and I have no idea if she’s saying anything because I haven’t spoken to my mother since Sunday.
Oh and here’s the kicker-after all was said and done my aunt call my mother to tell her that I invited my grandmother my mother says “Oh good now I can go to the Poconos” she just started that whole thing so she didn’t have to take her mother with her. And I’m selfish.
I know that when my parents move to Brewster my grandmothers will become MY responsibility.