My mother’s day was good and relaxing-well me correct that it started off relaxing then I went to my mother’s and my sisters were there. And when ever they are around them I always feel like I’m eggshells. Because they always have stupid to say to me about everything when it comes to me.
But this time it was my parents who hit me in the gut with something that I wasn’t expecting. My parents told me that before the end of the year that they might be moving up to Brewster NY. And to be honest with you the idea of them moving up there don’t make me the least bit happy and I will explain why…
First my older sister moved out to Westchester somewhere deep out there. My younger sister who is like 6 or 7 months pregnant is going to move out Connecticut once the baby is like a few months old. Which it is safe to say that I will not be getting to know my little nephew because as it is she lives only like 10 blocks from me now and never see her of hear from her. And now my parents want to move to Brewster.
Well as long as I have my grandmother screw it let them move away.
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