I am so angry I can scream but I wont cause my daughter is here at work. I am so pissed off with my daughter’s father (nothing like before) but still something…
If I never mentioned before my daughter’s father is sex fiend which is not an all together bad thing but the bad part is the way he goes about getting from me.
I am a huge fan of Z100 and there is a guy on there called Froggy and he’s always talking about how he never gets enough sex from his wife. Well I hope he comes across my blog page cause I am about to break down things that kill the mood.
***Hint*** Women do enjoy sex. We enjoy it a lot.
1. Some of us don’t find it all that romantic when you refer it as F***ing. Especially in a text message. And the longer you’ve been with that person the LESS of a turn it is.
2. It also doesn’t help you if through out your whole day you don’t even call once and in this day of text messaging and emails there shouldn’t be a reason why you don’t send her little message like “Hey thinking of you” or “Luv You” & “Am I getting some tonight?” doesn’t count!!!
3. And if you have one of those amazing wife’s like me who juggles 2 jobs, still does all the motherly stuff, cook, washes your clothing and cleans. Then the least you can do is remember to bring home dinner without having to be reminded like a child every day…Yeah that doesn’t help you either.
4. And if you screwed up cause your balls were all in twist and you took it out on her the least you could is say those two little words “I’m Sorry”
5. But the BIGGEST turn off of them all (well for that is) is when they wake up in the morning and the smallest thing will turn them in to a pissy whining baby which then causes them to raise there voice in the morning. Now I’m not talking about yelling and carrying on like a manic. Here is my example this just happed this morning to me…
“Hey honey which one do you like best?” I asked.
So I sat there for a minutes waiting for a response but he doesn’t even turn around to see what I am even talking about. What is doing you might be wondering? Well he is trimming his eye brows. So I get up to leave but before I do I say…
“Thanks that really cleared things up for me.”
What does he do? He then turns around to and says in a manly high pitch whiny voice. “You see me doing something give me a sec!”
So I reply “You could have at least answered me & you do see me raising my voice to you. What’s the need so early in the morning?”
“But you saw me doing something?”
“So what? What is wrong with your mouth? Its too early for crap like that.”
I am one of those people who honestly doesn’t enjoy arguing. I try very hard to not get too upset especially in the morning. I mean I get a little earlier so that I don’t have to stress out about running late. And for a man who brags that he’s know me for 12 years he should know this.
That was this morning so a little while ago I sent him a text message telling him that my boss is giving me Friday off and I was wondering if he would be off too. He says and of course his first reply is…
“Sex all day right?”
Of course (he has a 1 track mind)
So my response is “Maybe it depends if you don’t wake up all crabby and pissy.”
Which then turned into this whole thing about how he never gets from me.
And like a man he will only see what I am doing wrong and see nothing on part.
Men piss me off
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