I was asked yesterday what I am doing for work now that I am working from home (well except for a couple of days of this week and next cause I promised my boss to help out at the new office.) So here we go; on the weekends I promote my boss’s wines I pretty good money doing that and I work usually Thursday night, Friday night and Saturday night.
I also work from home for a company called Diva School. I am there Business Manager. What we do you might ask? We teach women the art of striptease. (I found this job on Craig’s list believe it or not.) These two women started this business for bachelorette parties. My job is to book events and my job is bring in more business; they want to do it in more a classes way (and there is no nudity just in case you were wondering)
So I am doing two things that I find interesting Wine and Give Women back there sense sensuality. And I get do it all from my house which is a plus in it’s self.
So I am getting myself settled with this two jobs and once I can do it both with my eyes closed I will start on my business. Which because of the two companies I work for I thought I would open up my own entertainment company geared around Wine Tastings.
And on top of that I am in the middle of 11th chapter of my novel. And you know what I find funny…when I say “I’m in 11th chapter I always get the same question thrown at me. “Damn how many chapters is it going to be?”
To which I usually reply the same way “Um hello it’s a novel.”
My goal is to learn how to make a really cool myspace page for my business.
So I have been a very busy bee but I don’t mind.
(But to my landlord and lawyer I am unemployed just so they won’t put pressure on me.)