So the more I research the topic of "Affairs" the more I see it popping its little head everywhere around me.
Today on the train I watched a man get on and where he got on at there were still plenty of seats for him to sit at...there was even that small one seater that flips opened and closed was available and that is a very rare thing on an NYC Train. So any way he decided to finally sit down he sat next to the girl sitting across from me.
I watched him as he struck up a conversation with the lovely lady. Now the shiny ring on her finger stood out for all to see especially him cause he was sitting right next to her but I also over hear her say to him in there conversation that she was married 7 years.
Now when they first started talking there was a small gap between them ( you know the normal gap we keep between us when we are sitting next to some we don't know) but the longer they talk the smaller the gap gets. Arms & thighs slightly brushing against each other and she begins to lean in closer to hear him better. He was speaking almost in a whisper-which I think he was doing it on purpose so that she would have lean in close to him. (Sneaky )
Now I can make out some of there conversation and I hear him asking her what she does for fun and where she hangs out.
Her stop was coming up (I could tell because she was getting her stuff together just like me) and JACKPOT I heard it...I heard him ask her for her number...now here it the true test what will she do?
A.) She could stick to the sorry I'm married and keep it moving...
B.) Or give him her number
So what does she do...Neither she took a very different route...option C
She told him that she couldn't give him her number because she was married BUT she did say she would talk his number. Now like any guy he was hesitant to give his number out of fear that she would never call.
But then came the cherry on the cake she told him where she was going to be hanging that night with her girls...this confirming them meeting again to continuing there flirting and maybe more.
Hmm lust is the air and it ain't even summer time.
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