I am now 35 years old and I still have no desire to get married

There are somethings that I feel as husband and wife should be done and things that shouldn't be done.
What should be done...
1.) tell your partner you love them every day (even on the bad days I know it may seem hard that's when it counts the most)
2.) if one cooks the other should clean..I wash you dry
What you should never do...
Don't make your wife (or the woman you claim is your wife) walk to the store by herself ( and the closest store she would have to jump on a bus to get to) after 9:30pm because you are too selfish and lazy to drive. And then after she walks in leave in the car that you didn't want to use for her to go run out for yourself.
Yeah it's crap like that makes me say I am never getting married...when I have to do shit for myself when I am suppose to have a partner to help me out. I then start asking..."What the hell do I need you for?"
And that is a very dangerous question for me to be asking...
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