There are certain things about me that as a BF or rather wanna be hubby you should know…things that I like and I expect. And to be honest I don’t think that I am asking a lot. I have a lot of GFs that ask for a lot more from there men. I try and do the 50/50 thing but it never works for me.
I gave up smoking cigarettes almost 4 years ago don’t get me wrong when I go out with my GFs I sometimes sneak a cigarette with the girls (and I don’t go out all that often) but there is 1 thing about me that I will not change (or at least I’m not ready to give it up) I have to have my morning joint. Now the word there is joint…not blunt, not bong hit…joint!!!!!
Now wanna be hubby looooooves to claim that we have been together 13 years. When in all realitywe broke up 3 times and we both had 2 not 1 but 2 separate apts and not to mention he was engaged to another woman but he still says 13 years…what the fuck ever…I hate that….
But if you want to talk shit then you should know the little things about me that would piss me the fuck off and turn me the fuck off to you. But no not him he is still very much clueless. So this morning I was looking for the paper so I can roll my morning joint and not only could I not find it (2 packs of easy wider) but when I wake him up to ask him were it is (cuz he was the last to roll) he get pissed off.
Now people if he worked and had to get to a job to get to then yes he has every right to get pissed off but since his ass doesn’t get up until 11 sometimes 12pm fuck that not to mention I have to take OUR daughter to school every day on the bus and he doesn’t even offer to let me sleep a little later or if I’m not feeling well like the other day I twisted my ankle and I couldn’t get up on Monday and what does he say “just leave her home I’m too tired I can’t take her.” Are you fucken kidding me…For real.
I mean I can sit in my office all day and never hear from him not even a hello txt...if I don't contact him I will never hear from. What kind of crap if that? I mean in this day & age of Blackberries, Txting, IMing how can I not get even a hello?
I have to admit it saddens me that my mind & heart are…rethinking my relationship…but honestly can you call I that?
Day 2 of experiment and nothing again
Seems the a.m. joint is the only thing that can help you cope with that no-good bum you have a husband! Besides your daughter you don't seem to have love showing from another human being in that apartment.I wish you luck! HAVING A "HUEVON" living with you can be a pain in the ass.But who knows...maybe ball-scratching hubby can shake a leg someday and pay attention to you,hopefully not when it is too late..if you know what I mean.Good luck,Mica,greetings from El Salvador,Central America!
Seems the a.m. joint is the only thing that can help you cope with that no-good bum you have a husband! Besides your daughter you don't seem to have love showing from another human being in that apartment.I wish you luck! HAVING A "HUEVON" living with you can be a pain in the ass.But who knows...maybe ball-scratching hubby can shake a leg someday and pay attention to you,hopefully not when it is too late..if you know what I mean.Good luck,Mica,greetings from El Salvador,Central America!
Hola Brujo... allow me start off by saying thank you for reading me all the way from El Salvado...I hope you keep reading.
As for wanna be hubby I have ways of handling him and dealing with him
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