So what can I say something crawled up MR. JERK-OFF ass because ever since Mother’s day he’s been nothing but nice to me. Yah right I am suppose to buy that when he still hasn’t given me any child support of course I know this new niceness in him is just some kind of trick. So my thought is if he wants to be that stupid and let me in a little then I am going to us it to my advantage.
For example MR. JERK-OF texted me over the weekend and in his texts he admitted to hacking into my computer, being so obsessed with me that he has bottle of my body fluid in his house (Yes I know GROSS!!!!), he’s admitted to drinking which he’s not suppose to cause he’s on probation and he’s admitted to getting married. What an asshole!!!! Now what have admitted to you may ask…I’ll tell you; ABSOLUTLY NOTHING!!!! I’m not that stupid.
So now I am going to come up with my own agreement for court. I’ll be fare but strict. I will have clauses for if he gets arrested again, if he doesn’t pay his child support. I am going think at least 5 years ahead so that he can’t slip anything by me.
But the funny thing is that he actually thinks that I am stupid

Like I would take a gift from him especially when he owes me $$$$.
I will say this the system sure does suck cause they will let him get away with not paying for while before they do anything.
That’s why it’s my job to get my money and a little revenge

He's got a bottle of your body fluids? WTF? Que loco! Watch your back with that guy nena!
I know I have to be like 20 steps ahead of that man and being alone with him is completely out of the question
Does he have a candle and some flowers set up in front of it like the santeros do for their saints? lmao
With him you never know.
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