Sometimes being around my sisters can be a little too much to handle…growing up with them was even harder. (One older and one younger I am the middle)
Last night was my grandmother’s birthday. She is the greatest woman in the world and if I had my last $5.00 I would have spent it on her. So for her birthday I brought her a big bouquet of flowers. I swear I wasn’t there in my grandmother’s house no more then 5 minutes when my sisters started their bullshit.
Younger sister: “All you’re wearing a wife beater that’s it?”
Older sister: “With a black bra?” She said as if I had shit on my shirt.
I respond sarcastically: “NO I have a three piece suit on under this.”
Now to most people that might seem like nothing but to me it’s them repeating themselves over and over. Ever since high school (When I was allowed to start buying my own bras) I have never wore a white bra. 1.) Because white gets dirty so fast & 2.) Because I have never found one that I liked. So I have always worn either a colored bra or a black bra under my shirts. I figure how cares it’s a bra. But most importantly I HAVEN’T HAD THE MONEY TO SPEND $50.00 ON A NEW WHITE BRA JUST TO MAKE MY SISTERS’ HAPPY!!!! ESPECIALLY SINCE I HAVE BEEN DOING IT SINCE FOREVER.
I just feel that the comment was unnecessary.
So a few minutes later we were just about to cut the cake and I go up get the plates for the cake and then told my mother to cut the cake for my grandmother. Of course she said, “You do it”. But let me be honest I am the WORSE cake cutter in the world. I don’t cut a slice I butcher it. Which my mother knows but of course she didn’t care. And of course here comes the two who can’t keep their mouths shut.
Younger sister “You cut it Mica.”
I say. “I can’t do it. I don’t know how.”
Older sister. “Oh stop bullshitting. How hard is it?”
Younger sister “Ya you worked in a bakery.”
Now this is were the stupidity of my sisters’ come to play; I worked in a bakery when I was 16 years old…hello I am 31 now. And just because I worked there doesn’t mean I am an expert in cutting cake.
Well I said nothing to them I just walked away. My grandmother then starts saying how beautiful her flowers are and here comes my older sister.
“Um where’s my birthday gift?”
Now prior to MR. JERK-OFF and my beautiful little girl I use to get my sisters expensive gifts pretty much what ever they wanted. I made a big deal about their birthdays. I have thrown them birthday parties, rented limos and bought them really nice things. Now it’s very difficult for me to spend more than $20.00 on them. They know how difficult it’s been for me.
So I tell her. “My check this month only covered the rent and bills maybe next month I’ll have extra money.”
What does she do…makes a stupid face and turns her back on me.
I tell you I couldn’t wait to get out of there.
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