Yup that statement is all about me it is high time I took my Rose Colored Glasses off.
Just like I’ve been saying MR. JERK-OFF nice streak has faded…he hates me again. On Sunday I went to my sister’s for BBQ. I went up with a girlfriend so that I would have to be the one dateless. At the end of the night my girlfriend couldn’t take me to pick up my daughter at her father’s cause her son was all cranky from being in the sun all day. So I asked my bed-buddy to take me. Now I am not stupid I would never have another sitting in front of MR. JERK-OFF’s house 1. because it is very disrespectful and 2. he’s soo stupid that he would loss his mind. And why would I want to add that kind of drama to my life.
So I asked my bed-buddy to park around the corner, which he did, and like 5 cars up too at that. Now my daughter knows my bed-buddy she knows him as mom’s friend and she thinks he funny but he’s never stayed over my house while my daughter is home that is a big NO NO in my book.
So I pick up my daughter and we start walking around the corner. We get in the car; everything is good that is until we pull off and start driving away because who do I see standing on the corner but MR. JERK-OFF.
So it became 2 days (now 3 cause he just texted me a little while ago about this) of this texting messaging argument. It got to be so bad that I had to shut my cell phone off and then when I wasn’t answering the text messages he started calling me house.
“How could you bring that man to my house?”
“That was so wrong. And cold hearted of me.” (BRASS BALLS)
All I could say to that was “He wasn’t in front of your house and he was

Now I’m going back to court on tomorrow and if that man decides to make big deal about this I am going to have no choose but let them know that he’s been harassing me and about his bottle of me in house. Cause Moma didn’t raise no fool I kept the messages.
Good shit hold onto everything! That man needs to grow up. WTF ahora se yo you're not allowed to move on in your life. Sheeesh man.
I sent you an email about the music thingy but they took my site down b/c I mentioned uploading music from lime wire! Hit me up on AIM and I'll show you how to do it.
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