Well I have told all the guys that I have been dating (which is not all that many) that I am going on a Sexual Sabbatical.
One took it rather well but he did act like Disney World was closing down forever and now he wants ones last ride before it closes.
And my bed-buddy acted like the world was coming to an end. He even went as far as to say that he was jumping out of his sister’s second story window. Now I told him I was home with my daughter and couldn’t leave. So the threat (which wasn’t much of a threat not to mention I didn’t believe it) pissed me off and what would have happened if he did it; he’d most likely break an arm or a leg. Well he’d deserve it after being such a big selfish baby.
I hate to sound cold or heartless but that was really fucked up what did he expect me to do run out of my house with my daughter and pull her into the middle of the drama that he started. HELL NO!!!!
But then he tell me that if I really wanted to make changes in my life instead of giving up the sex thing I should stop drinking and smoking. And that really pissed me off because who the hell is to talk when he spends anywhere between $100-$200 on weed a week and at least $80 a week on cigarettes a week. Now what do I buy 1 pack of cigarettes that last me at least a week unless he’s in my house and smokes all my cigarettes. And whenever I do buy weed I spend $20 and that last me a week as well. And I don’t wish that I didn’t have to go to work so that I can sit home and smoke my brains out; that’s him.

And two glasses of wine at night isn’t a lot. But that was his way of trying to manipulate me which I hate that. So I told him off and after him saying that and that he was going to jump out of the window I just simply refused to answer my phone when he called again
So this morning when I got up I had 3 messages on my house phone, 15 text messages on my cell phone and 4 voice messages on my cell phone. THE GUY’S NUTS!!!! But the best is that one of his messages was and I quote:
“Hey I just got some weed I thought I’d come by your house so we can smoke and maybe I can go down on the kitty “ 12am (Kitty = my kitty cat you know what I mean)
Now what in the conversation that we had all day lead him to believe that I would have agreed to any of that especially at 12 am and I have my daughter at home with me who was sleeping in my bed too and I have work in the morning.
I know he’s someone I’m not call after I am done with my Sabbatical.
He’s should be happy I didn’t dump him like the video above this post. ( I couldn't fuigure out how to link to this post)