Well I am finally done with all my court crap. And let me tell you that I am happy bitch (and I won again). MR. JERK-OFF has to give $150.00 a week in Child Support. Which now he’s all worried as to how he is going to come up with money but that’s not my problem. Oh I have an idea “GET A JOB!!” Now, I can worry about paying my lawyer.
You would think that the people in my family (Mostly my father the most negative man on the face of this earth) would be happy for me. But of course he wasn’t. He thinks that I did nothing but gave MR. JERK-OFF time to get his shit together. UM hasn’t he been paying attention that’s all I want is for him to get his shit together.
My father believes that I should have taken his parental right away…like I can really do that. I can’t just go to court and say, “I want to take his parental rights away!” I mean they have criminals in jail who still have right s to see their kids. They are not going to take my daughter away from him just because I say so and he has a criminal background. My father also thinks that I should have asked for more money. I explained to my father that it’s not up to me what I get it’s up to the court. But of course I have NO IDEA what I am talking about and he does…cause he of course has been a single mother and has gone through the system. My father can be such a pain in the ass.
Over the weekend I went to my older sister’s house for something called a crab boil. Now let me be honest I haven’t really wanted to be around my sister’s since my younger sister’s wedding thing. I hate the fact that they keep secrets from me. Not to mention my older sister always acts like I’m some kind of embarrassment when she’s around her friends. Everything I say she rolls her eyes at and makes fun of so I really wasn’t up for being there. But I went cause my mother made and my daughter wanted to go. But I kept my distance but when I left saw that my older sister had a professional picture of my younger sister from her wedding day. I was about to flip out but instead I just put the picture down and walked out. And in the car on the way home I asked my mother if she got one and my mother said no.
I have no idea what is going on with my younger sister or was I did to her. And to be honest at this point I don’t really feel like asking either.
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