So speaking with my boss and doing the research I won’t be going with him at the end of September. And I’m pissed because I finally found myself a job I liked something that didn’t take me from my daughter and now I have to give it up.
I have worked for other people and me being a single mother doesn’t work for them but what they don’t understand is that she comes first and always will. My mind is running like crazy right now with questions; like “What am I going to do?” “What am I going to for money until I find a job?” “Will be able to pay my rent when the time comes? (Cause it’s not like I can start a nest egg not with all the money I owe) “And why won’t the piece of shit asshole I call an ex get a job!?” “Will I be able to collect unemployment?”
I’m so depressed right now and I really don’t want to be but that’s the only emotion I know right now

If you need a quick job try this temp agency called "Headway". All of mt friends use it and they all get hire the same day for office work.
Thank you for the info I'll check them out
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