Finally a friend of my mine showed up and we went for a walk. We walked through the outside flea markets. I looked at all the things I wished I could have bought. We then ended up in the village which is my FAVORITE place in the city. I WOULD LOVE, LOVE to live there. I look up at the windows and wish one was mine. All in all it was nice day. I had fun.
My weekend was pretty quiet because after my visit to the city I hide in my grandmother’s house with my daughter and enjoyed the silence. Now everyone in my family knows that since my grandmother has been in PR that on Saturdays I take my daughter there. When I got home Sunday night there wasn’t a single phone call from my family not a one. I haven’t spoken to my younger sister since the night of her party. Time has pasted and I’m over my sister’s wedding thing. You know whatever…
This morning I woke up and it really bothered me that I haven’t heard from anyone in while. If I don’t pick up the phone and call them they won’t. Now that’s some what expectable from a friends but family??? I don’t think so.
So on my way to work today I couldn’t stop thinking about that…how my family never calls me, never look for me or my daughter. Honestly they only look for her when they get wind that MR. JERK-OFF’S Family is looking for her. And it’s been that way since she was born.
My thoughts went back to a time when I wasn’t close to my family and this all started pretty much when my adopted my brothers moved in. I got lost in the shuffle of kids. But after my daughter was born I really wanted the whole close family thing. And I realize now that maybe it was all just one-sided. (This is not including my grandmother & aunt; they have always been there for me since I was a little girl I went with them everywhere)
Which then got me to thinking; “Every decision I make in my life I think first about how they (my mother, father & sisters) would feel about.” And why should I keep doing that when they obviously don’t stop to think about how there decisions could affect my daughter & me.
For example X-mas & News Years Eve they have left town plenty of time and didn’t stop and think about how her or I would feel about not spending the holiday with them. The same for my little ones b-day; they messed a few her birthdays and this is the ONLY child in the family.
So as I have done with the men in my life I am going to do with my family. I have to keep putting me and my little ahead of EVERYONE INCLUDING MY FAMILY!!!!
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